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Cammino di Oropa Credential

The Credential is the fundamental document for the pilgrim to undertake the Cammino di Oropa. It represents the “passport of the pilgrim” and attests to the identity and motivation of the traveler, is an indispensable tool. Therefore the pilgrim must have the credential with him to be identified as such.

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Cammino di Oropa yellow patch

You can apply The Embroidered Cammino di Oropa to the backpack with the symbol of the path. 
The patch is made of yellow flocked fabric with embroidered accents in black. It can be sewn or ironed.


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Cammino di Oropa Credential

The Credential is the fundamental document for the pilgrim to undertake the Cammino di Oropa. It represents the “passport of the pilgrim” and attests to the identity and motivation of the traveler, is an indispensable tool. Therefore the pilgrim must have the credential with him to be identified as such.

The Cammino di Oropa is a journey of four stages, from Santhià to the Sanctuary of Oropa, through a different and surprising natural environment in each stage. It’s a perfect journey for those who want to face a journey for the first time, but it’s ready to surprise and entertain even the most experienced walkers.

You must have the credential to:

– having access to the reception facilities provided along the route
– taking advantage of the agreements with the restaurant activities.
– In some regions, there are conventions for public transport services.

Many structures welcome pilgrims by requiring a simple offer useful to support the management costs, in other cases, when it comes to accommodation facilities offering more services or public transport, such as trains and buses, price reductions are generally applied.

Thanks to these credentials that contain punching boxes, enough for the entire path you can collect the stamps of the path to keep as a testimony and memory of your path so you can remember forever this unique experience!

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Book your way to the Cammino di Oropa with the credential of the pilgrim, click here!